How it Works

How to get the goods...

How to sell your goods...

We accept clothing and footwear of all brands in re-sellable condition. Items must be clean.

If you are a new consignor: 

Please complete the Consignors Information Form & Contract

Once you are a consignor with us:

How we price the goods...

We strive to price items in a way that is fair and advantageous for both consignors and shoppers. 

We do our best to determine what each item is worth new, and use 1/3* of that as the starting price. We will then increase or decrease the price by 10% based on the condition of the item. 

Like any rule though, there are exceptions. Top Brands (see list below) will automatically start at 40% retail value. And we reserve the right to “manually override” prices.

If clothing items don’t sell for three consecutive drops, they will be offered for a fourth drop at a reduced sale price.

Little Sapling's Top Brands:

How the goods get to you...

There are options!

If you're local to Whitehorse:

If you're in a Yukon Community:

If you're anywhere else in Canada:

What we accept and when..

We accept seasonal outdoor gear on the following schedule:


Accepted March-August


Accepted  August-March

The Staples

Bathing suits, long sleeves/pants, merino wool items are accepted all year round.

Seasonal Holiday Gear

Think those adorable Christmas outfits—are accepted in the 8 weeks preceding the holiday.